Saturday, June 8, 2013


 I love a really good subscription service, a steadily good one. Something that is straight up quality! And I found it in Quarterly Co. in Quarterly Co. there are so much contributors so you can subscribe to whichever one you want. I'm already subscribed to No More Dirty Looks, and I'm totally loving it! The next one I've been eyeing has been the one about penmanship but I don't think the contributor's there anymore :(

They ship out the packages every three months or so, you have to think about quality over quantity sometimes. That's actually a really good thing to go by. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Graze Box Review: June 2013 Nibblebox #9

Oh Graze, how I love you so! You never let me down. Graze is great when your lazy and on those odd hours where you're feeling totally peckish. They're like little perfectly proportioned meals. So if you're interesting in joining, it's still invitation only, so use my code 9TX2CDD.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Products I Regret Buying #2

Happy Saturday Everyone! This time around I have six products I want to talk about. Sometimes you have to spend a lot of  money to see whether your skin will like them or not. So let's begin!